Sunday, April 17, 2011

10th april - 16th april
seriously! the most horrible week everrr! =.=
started on sunday, yes i almost made a dimerit for GI and stuff my DL was kinda mad at me. arghh! form 5 went to our dorm, guess what, dorg tanye name kt my friends. hadoii. tensioonnn! pstuu naik topfloor! sheesh, i hateeeeeee gilaaaa naik topfloor sbb ade ramai form2. yeah, form2 kan BENCI LIYANA MUSFIRAH! LM budak bajet kan? good thing ade kak K kt situ, happy sikit dpt tgok muka die but she was tpp busy with her korea songs. lols xD
monday? err, what happen eh? yeah! clash ngn my form4 then mlm tu jugak amik form1 baru! hadoi. emo gila hari tuh. so manyyyy memories with her, hish. be happy with ur new adik now, give her something better that what you gave me. the t-shirt that you gave me, when we listen to korean music together, the milo that we wrote on it together, the wish of happy birthady that you gave to me on 12 a.m. sharp! yeah, do something better for someone that you think thats better than me (:  ok , then laparrrr gilaaa! dah lah tak mkn time dinner, dorg tak savekan food. ya allah, aku tahan jeeeee ==' but its okay, sarah blanje me sausages that day! yeay :')
selasa pulakkk? what eh? japp, not a big problem kecik je lah. 
rabu? hoyeah, what an AWESOME day! dah lah cikgu ain pnggil aku! soal mcm2, ckp psl amira lah ape lah. hadoii. pstu guess what? balik dorm dimerit 1! and yess its my fault tak sapu. senior dorm + dorm leader marah kot. dah lah bgon kul 6! hishhh. korg, next time kejut ah! hadoiii.. mlm tu i cried cause i was tension. guess what kak namira said. she said wktu nk kluar from my dorm cmni "aku dah byk dga masalah psl kau liyana musfirah. kalau ade lg siap ah" i was like WTH -,- masalah ape dooooooooooo! then g jumpe kak zahraa kt prefect dorm emerald to send report dimerit. die ckp aku salah eja name die kt cheer book. omaiigaddd. sumpah lupe nk check! arghhh. tension tau takkkk! now i know that mcm semua senior dorm tak sukaa aku :'( *be tough liyana!
khamis? awalawal pagi dah kene point (point ke tnye ke pape je la kn) ngan kak zahraa time meeting house. then form 5 ckp "ehh, zahraa tnye tu bangun ah". k now i think the whole of ssp doesn't like meee-,- and to my DS, sorry :(  before that my ex tytle lalu dpn dorm pagi tu, i was like asal dohhh =='
jumaat? waahhh. 'awesomeee' gilaaaa. ape tah jd, tak igt. but then form1 ade duty hall.  bersyukur gila masok band. so pegi band tayah angkat kerusi meja cm dorg tu. hikhik. mlm tu pulak, my SA talked to zahin kt surau. jealous kot. HAHA, then kak sarah ajak g tulip 2 so i pergi lah. then something happened. haha. kak N (:
sabtu!! was awesommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
k, mmg ah nk balik, BUT g jumpe kak aqilah kt 3E then saw kak K's note kt her tytle punye desk. ;)
after that i met kak wanyyy :) imissherlikehell. then i got to meet her it was like awesome. i huged her mcm dah 1 tahun tak jumpe. iiloveher :') she's awesome just the way she is. followed her to class form 4. and yes i was jealous to see other students salam-ing her. HAHAHA, lol. after a while she had to went back to the hall for PMR thingy. and yes i saw her on TV. and ade form2 mcm "eh kak wany dtg la bla3"--- sheesh, she's mine XP i wanted to meet her again but it was time for me to go back homeee :D so the best moment for me at ssp that week was to see miss hazwany syafiqa that i love a lot <3
 after that i went to putrajaya nye masjid. LOL, ikr. sbenarnye my nenek dtg rombongan. haha, so jumpe la dorg. and met dud pikah again. gosh, miss my dud. XD it was kinda weird tp be the only cousin who was wearing tudung, yelah baru balik frm ssp kann -.- then balik rumah. grey? she became nice. weridd muchh :B
ahad? yeahhh awesomee gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! bgun kul 11 *awal kot then g the mines. yesss! got that nike shoes that i wanted so badly. then got another pair of JC's clothes which im wearing right now ;D and yeah, kak K tegur me, i was like wee. andandand! idk whats their problem to add 'her' and wall to wall with 'her'. masalah gila doh dorg. mcm nak sakitkan hati aku jeee -,- hehh. got to skype with the people i love. miss them :) and here i'm writing right now.. so the conclusion is save your heart for someone who cares like your dad who just bought you a new nike shoe :DD
haha, bye and takcareee peoples

p/s: tomorrow's the day back to ssp -,-  me no likey :(