Friday, December 23, 2011

wtv, nobody cares -,-

kau budak hot SBP weh, mmg tak boleh lah kan?
so now you know the truth, anddd mmg kau tak kesah pon sebab kau kan hot? 
have fun with M ke sape sape jelah. hehh.
byee dude, kalau boleh aku nak je kau baca apa aku tulis kat phone aku pasal kau everyday :/

Sunday, December 18, 2011

tiredness and craziness accur xD


ahhah, so me, Nadhrah and Miras went to mid valley semalam (17/12) . so kewl (Y)
mula mula me and miras je lepak, cause nadhrah tak sampai lagi. siot penat tunggu Nadhrah doh -..- nak pegi mana2 "ehh nadhrah tkde. sabar sabar" hahah. 
pusing pusing mid hahah tiba tiba Nadhrah sampai, alhamudlillah (Y)

so 1st thing pegi makaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn D: so hungry dohhh.
then Nadhrah ajak pegi mcD, so naik lah mcD tingkat ataaaaassssss -.-
pastu mcD penuh and sumpah ramai nak mampussssss. food court kat atas pon penuh.
Nadhrah ckp ah jom pegi secret recipe (Y) so I was like "kak secret recipe kt bwh en?" tnya akk keja wild channel tu. lol JP dohhhh.
so pegi ah bwh, tak jumpa jumpa tension eden. last sekali mampos ah tibai TGI Fridays kt The Gardens.
Bajet kaya je makan TGIF. HAHAHAH lawak lah, lapar punya psl. sorg keluar rm35 ;D
takleh blah mmat TGIF tu igt kitorg f5, epic epiccc :p

dah habis makan *tk habis pon. haha , kitorg p lah carik surau. tk jumpa jumpa pon. tanya makcik cleaner dia ckp kat LG. mampooooooosssss. 
pegi LG takde apa pon weh -.- just a lantai with nothing. *almaklumlah 1st time pegi. haha
pastu carik carik surau kat mega mall last last jumpa kat jusco -..- hahaha
actually ada je surau and scrt rcpe kat sana. kitorg yg tak pndai cari xD

so after solat kat surau yg penuh gila smpai kena beratur amik wuduk mcm kt ssp, kiorg pegi main laser taaaagggggggg D: omg coool gila lah sial (Y)
mula mula cuak gila sbb gabung dgn strangers. hahah dgn cousin miras pualk tu -.-
bila masuk je main it was so coooooool lah. hahahhaha. asyik mati je. dhlah kitorg 3 je perempuan -,-' apa lagi menjerit ah dlm tu. HAHAHAH
tiba tiba "game over mannnnnn" lol sedih gila 10 minit je main :( 
then dh kluar ktorg pulak kt jacket tu ada tulis nama. hahah dgn bodohnya pegi masuk balik bilik yg ada jcket tu senyap senyap nk p tgok nama. i got 4th outta 5 people. hihi weee.

pastu cousin miras tnya "eh korg nk g bowling tak bla3"
then kitorg pon pegi lah bowling, sumpah mula2 longkang ah mcm biasa (Y) ahha
tiba tiba when it was my turn dia off lampu and psg lampu disco. heee cooool kaaaaaan? :D
macam kat club je rasa *hahha over sial.
sumpah best. omg omg. 
tiba tiba cousin miras dgn kawan dia tu dtg. haha dorg after kitorg :)
sambil tu sembang lah dgn dorg. I'm so baik en? layan budak drjh 6! haha (Y) 
pastu balikkkkkkk my house tiga tiga :D hihi malas nak cerita selanjutnya. hehh.
tengok tu. hebat tak? haha spare je punggg.
haha, Nadhrah, me and Miras xD cool tak bowling? haha (Y)

sumpah best gilaaaaaaa. heheh. sakit kaki hahah, pdhl tak beli apa apa pon. lol habis duit makan and main game :D contohi lah saya okay? wehehhe boboi :$

Monday, December 12, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011


I miss it when my wifi kt luar bilik parents. so bila diorg off i can on balik and do this :(

so creeppppppyyyyyyy :O

so tadi tengah lipat kain kat atas while papa and mama tgh tengok cerita hantu kat bawah.
time lipat kain dgr lah radio guna headphone, you know beats? dia kan macam ketat je dkt telinga kita *apa ayat ni. haha
pastu time tgh dgr radio kt bawah *the tv* ada suara hntu menjerit, time tu tiba2 rasa mcm ada benda tiup my telinga. it made the beats rasa jauh frm telinga. 
errr, creepy kan? -.-

143 ;)


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

its been long

monday 14th november; cg nasir's period then ada org dtg dia ckp i have to see the pengetua. so cuaak that time, lol. then jumpa ah pengetua ckp i have to pack bwk 2/3 baju ada emergency kena balik, she told me to pakai baju outing amik passbook bla3. so tnya lah ada apa? she said taktahu lah yr dad just suruh get ready je.

so pegi class amik brg sume and ramai gila peluk i. i was like asal korg ni? im not going forever. lol so pegi dorm and pack2 bla3 tunggu kat lobby. then mama dah sampai, i buat bodoh je. u know me, rabun. muehehhe, so mama jerit my name i was like oh tu mama eh. hahah so pegi kt dia. i asked lah asal? she said nana tak tahu ke? mak mnggl. kena bunuh. omgggggg, terus nangis and peluk my dad. dlm kereta otw nak pergi sdar nangis2, and tnya siapa bunuh bla2. mcm org bodoh tk tahu apa. sumpah mcm2 fikir time tu. ya Allah, baru smlm pinot died so air mata tk byk dah :3
dh smpai sdar rupa2nya abg pon tak tahu. oh yeah, and the pengetua, my dad ckp jgn bgtau me wht happened sbb tu dia tk bgtau. and my clssmates dorg tahu jugak cg.nasir bgtau thts why ada yg hugged me :(
*english so keling ayat pon. sorry. hihi
so in the car sumpah papa dpt byk gila calls then beep beep smpai PD. smpai rumah mak, and they showed me ada kesan sarah and all. ya allah nak nangis tp segan. lol. then papa pegi hospital srmbn for post mortem *tktau eja -.- me and the rest kemas rumah. i basuh kerusi (Y) then ptg sikit pegi pizza hut dgn abg, we were lapar :3 TIME kitorg kt pizza hut tu polis dtg and dyorg tgkp the india jiran depan. their anjing bau drh2, kayu wtv tu sume frm rumah sblh then the anjing terus pegi rumah india tu. duhhh, tak obvious lg ke kau yg buat? pstu nak frame the contractors yg buat rumah sebelah tu? tolong ah weh -.- everyone suspected them. siapa lg? ada kisah silam disebalik jiran ini. lol okay , pstu malam tu ramai gila ah yg dtg. baca yasin. cg rizal and cg aziz pon dtg. so touched :')
malam tu slept sebelah mak*i call my nenek-mak. tk pernah tidur sblh jenazah you know? hikhik

pstu kena bangun pagi nk p kondo, mandi kt my kondo :D then balik rumah mak. then uncle rameez smpai frm australia. diorg nangis so teruk *mmg lah mak sndri. lol then i tido kat dapur sbb ngntok sgt. lol haha. then cium jenazah, it was the first time i cium jenazah, sejuk sgt dahi dia :( pstu pegi lah funeral ada pakcik ni dia boleh tidur time lailahaillAllah byk2 kali tu. time doa dia tidur. omg so cute* hahaha. then pegi makan ramai2. pstu balik rumah mak. so everynight ada tahlil and all. 1 week tak g schl. last week of schl tkde kt ssp :/ band camp pon tak join. so sadddd. hmm. 

how she was murdered? donno but rasanya dia buat something to her kt dlm rumah sbb kt table kt living room ada darah. and then they bwk her to the next house. and mybe pukul her head or something. yeah the part tht made her hembus nafas terakhir is dia kena cekik and tulang leher dia patah :( pray tht you'll get shahid mak. ily*

so thats it, very tragic right? praying so that the murderer get caught. who doesn't want justice right? lepas ni tkde dah nenek yg akan suruh aku bljr elok2 and talk about study2. hmmm. imissyouverymuch :(

Sunday, August 28, 2011

selamat hari rayaaaaaa

yeayyy, esok raya. boleh makan during the dayy :D
so, selamat hari raya everyone, maaf zahir batin ;)
i miss kedah already :(
pfffttttt, have fun at yr kampongs everyone.

semalam, pegi jln tar. errr penat weh penat.
pstu lalau dkt dtrn merdeka sume, gosh terigt citrawarna.
warnawarni xD
tempat basah kuyup, nangis sbb parents kt NZ, sume ahhh. 
makan ayam everyday, lolzzzzzz.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

i feel awesome :P

oh goshhhhh.
im soo happy today :D
papa belikan charger camera, like weee.
kay, now my tx9 dah boleh pakai. 
setelah 8 months the charger hilang, papa dgn murah hatinya belikan charger <3
so bolehlah bawak pergi schl, hihi. 
sorry for beinng annoying. freakingly happy today
buttttt, tak study langsung today, lolz :(
last time pakai this camera bulan 11 last year, pastu charger dia hilang. so sad
kbye peeps


Thursday, August 25, 2011

that one night O.o


pffttttttttttttttttttt, i hate ssp sometimes somehow -.-
that one night hari apa tah. hib 1 je ada spotcheck aftr lights off. like wth -.-
so liyana musfirah ni mana bawak phone dah, barang2 haram semua tak bawak lah weh!
eiii, ni nak emo ni. ada pulak kan f4 prefect yg ckp dgn f4 prefect yg lain mcm ni "check locker liyana betulbetul" mcm watah*** gilaaaaaaaaaaa. 
tak caya sgt ke aku tak bwk phone weh? fine ah nnt pegi pasar malam nak beli phone mainan. 
nak rampas sgt en, rmpas lah phone mainan tu! 
haishhh, k amelia rosley je prefect yg faham :')
the next day, f4 nk buat spotcheck lg but that one tak jadi. 
sbb dirog nk sgt rmpas phone f1 nih.
pstu k amelia crita prefects nakkkk sgt cpotcheck my loker.
weh loker je ke? badan taknak? rumah sekali ah. 
man, i've changed. tak bwk lagi benda benda haram ni. please understand :(
haishhhh, dh lah kakak kakak prefects,
 im sorry if i hurt you guys tapi tahap emo gila nk nangis. 
haishh, semua org nak suspect aku bawak phone en. 
pffft, bukan senang nk jadi baik kan k amelia rosley? 
such a sad life. wtv

p/s: maaf zahir dan batin :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

keep that book wherever you go

8A's PMR okayy?
make us proud. hihi
forget her and just be in love with yr books. pffft.
haha, take care brotahhh.

cause there's times when you just feel like shouting

exam, gosh like seriously mannn -.-
god, please help me D:
i just wanna make my parents proud :{
this ramadhan week, full with crying, sadness, and tension -.-
crying like its my 1st day in ssp. pfft
be tough limus,
just gimme this one time to chill, please mann please :(

*PMR is less than 2 months, pray for dannial azfar people :')

kak nak PMR ehh ;D

Miss Azreeny Hashim ;D

goodluck PMR kak ;D
you can do it , have faith in you :)
hihi takecare there

p/s: 3 months ;)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

dont be sad lah macha.

Let your tears come.  Let them water your soul :D
okay kak nini, chill ah. everythings gonna be okay. its just a phone kan. hihi takpe takpe limus is here to cheer you up *ceh.

anyway, happy monthsary :)
one month is long enough lah kan. haha

be strong miss Azreeny Hashim ;)
PMR 8A's okay ;D

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

mademoiselle armadila

she is amazinggg :')

full name : noor armadila kasim *i guess
DOB: 6th May 1987

she was my french teacher, just for a while. 
now she's leaving us. last class with her on 6th may 2011, which is her birthday :')
i bet we're all gonna miss her class, french wont be the same without her anymore.
we sang, we laugh, we hugged in her class.
she is cute, and her friends call her lilo for that. 
13th may 2011 was the last day i saw her and her smile
MMA SSP. yeah, i sat a table with her and monsieur :)
was sooo happy to be that near with them for the last time.
yeah, we sembangsembang
mademoiselle made french class awesome.
at the end we huged and she kissed me and said 'i miss you'
i tried to kawal my tears from falling so then was the last time i saw here.
gonna miss her voice and stories.
bye mademoiselle lilo ;D
take care wherever you are, do visit us.
really hope you'll be teaching us again, amin~
i <3 you and i'll miss you 
you and monsieur too :)

a revoir <3
leaving teardrops on my laptop :'(

Sunday, April 17, 2011

10th april - 16th april
seriously! the most horrible week everrr! =.=
started on sunday, yes i almost made a dimerit for GI and stuff my DL was kinda mad at me. arghh! form 5 went to our dorm, guess what, dorg tanye name kt my friends. hadoii. tensioonnn! pstuu naik topfloor! sheesh, i hateeeeeee gilaaaa naik topfloor sbb ade ramai form2. yeah, form2 kan BENCI LIYANA MUSFIRAH! LM budak bajet kan? good thing ade kak K kt situ, happy sikit dpt tgok muka die but she was tpp busy with her korea songs. lols xD
monday? err, what happen eh? yeah! clash ngn my form4 then mlm tu jugak amik form1 baru! hadoi. emo gila hari tuh. so manyyyy memories with her, hish. be happy with ur new adik now, give her something better that what you gave me. the t-shirt that you gave me, when we listen to korean music together, the milo that we wrote on it together, the wish of happy birthady that you gave to me on 12 a.m. sharp! yeah, do something better for someone that you think thats better than me (:  ok , then laparrrr gilaaa! dah lah tak mkn time dinner, dorg tak savekan food. ya allah, aku tahan jeeeee ==' but its okay, sarah blanje me sausages that day! yeay :')
selasa pulakkk? what eh? japp, not a big problem kecik je lah. 
rabu? hoyeah, what an AWESOME day! dah lah cikgu ain pnggil aku! soal mcm2, ckp psl amira lah ape lah. hadoii. pstu guess what? balik dorm dimerit 1! and yess its my fault tak sapu. senior dorm + dorm leader marah kot. dah lah bgon kul 6! hishhh. korg, next time kejut ah! hadoiii.. mlm tu i cried cause i was tension. guess what kak namira said. she said wktu nk kluar from my dorm cmni "aku dah byk dga masalah psl kau liyana musfirah. kalau ade lg siap ah" i was like WTH -,- masalah ape dooooooooooo! then g jumpe kak zahraa kt prefect dorm emerald to send report dimerit. die ckp aku salah eja name die kt cheer book. omaiigaddd. sumpah lupe nk check! arghhh. tension tau takkkk! now i know that mcm semua senior dorm tak sukaa aku :'( *be tough liyana!
khamis? awalawal pagi dah kene point (point ke tnye ke pape je la kn) ngan kak zahraa time meeting house. then form 5 ckp "ehh, zahraa tnye tu bangun ah". k now i think the whole of ssp doesn't like meee-,- and to my DS, sorry :(  before that my ex tytle lalu dpn dorm pagi tu, i was like asal dohhh =='
jumaat? waahhh. 'awesomeee' gilaaaa. ape tah jd, tak igt. but then form1 ade duty hall.  bersyukur gila masok band. so pegi band tayah angkat kerusi meja cm dorg tu. hikhik. mlm tu pulak, my SA talked to zahin kt surau. jealous kot. HAHA, then kak sarah ajak g tulip 2 so i pergi lah. then something happened. haha. kak N (:
sabtu!! was awesommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
k, mmg ah nk balik, BUT g jumpe kak aqilah kt 3E then saw kak K's note kt her tytle punye desk. ;)
after that i met kak wanyyy :) imissherlikehell. then i got to meet her it was like awesome. i huged her mcm dah 1 tahun tak jumpe. iiloveher :') she's awesome just the way she is. followed her to class form 4. and yes i was jealous to see other students salam-ing her. HAHAHA, lol. after a while she had to went back to the hall for PMR thingy. and yes i saw her on TV. and ade form2 mcm "eh kak wany dtg la bla3"--- sheesh, she's mine XP i wanted to meet her again but it was time for me to go back homeee :D so the best moment for me at ssp that week was to see miss hazwany syafiqa that i love a lot <3
 after that i went to putrajaya nye masjid. LOL, ikr. sbenarnye my nenek dtg rombongan. haha, so jumpe la dorg. and met dud pikah again. gosh, miss my dud. XD it was kinda weird tp be the only cousin who was wearing tudung, yelah baru balik frm ssp kann -.- then balik rumah. grey? she became nice. weridd muchh :B
ahad? yeahhh awesomee gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! bgun kul 11 *awal kot then g the mines. yesss! got that nike shoes that i wanted so badly. then got another pair of JC's clothes which im wearing right now ;D and yeah, kak K tegur me, i was like wee. andandand! idk whats their problem to add 'her' and wall to wall with 'her'. masalah gila doh dorg. mcm nak sakitkan hati aku jeee -,- hehh. got to skype with the people i love. miss them :) and here i'm writing right now.. so the conclusion is save your heart for someone who cares like your dad who just bought you a new nike shoe :DD
haha, bye and takcareee peoples

p/s: tomorrow's the day back to ssp -,-  me no likey :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

hell-o ssp -,-

sheesh, dah balik ssp! tak suka dohh. now kt dorm. tga online. haha, kul 12.40 kott. heee. dah la wtv ah. esok school! hw tak siap lg. hadoii. haha. k byee :D

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Amira Syakira

                                         soulmate sygg :)
                             Amira Syakira binti Sukarno ;)

            classmate + dormate + 1st friend in SSP = soulmate
oy budak ben10! aku syg kau lah! byk benda kita lalui sama2 kan? tlg balik ssp after this. u can do it smpai form5 weh. percaya lah.. mcm2 kita kena sama2. kau mcm best friend aku kt ssp. kau 1st friend aku, aku tak nak hilang kau ok? stay tough 
                                            -ily ASS-

24th february 2011

had to admit! this year's birthday was awesomeee :D 
tepat pukul 12, dpt wish from the ones i love ^.^
yeah! awesome kan? kak ika an her friends, bdk dorm, dtg kt katil and wish. pelik oh, but i was so touched :) dorg byk bg note je. kak ika ckp prezzie after cuti ni dia kasi. jgn lupa tau! :P
two notes that i love the most tampal kt locker. nk tgok? here :-
pstu tido laaaa. then pagi tu tros pegi padang blaja bm kt situ. haha, special en? lol. pstu cikgu nasir kasi 2 rngt and dorg nyanyi lagu HB ramai2. haha. best gilo oh! kt cafe bg note dkt kak K and then die wish. whoaa, sumpah terharu :DD

pstu balik school call kak wany <3 
die ckp she wanted to wish kul 12, but nk call kak ainaa, kak aina tak jwb. but its okay. then ape lg jadi eh? tak igt da.. short term memory lost :D


mrs. K

                                                         aku syg gila K nyeh.. 
                            die ney baik. first kenal dah baik gila ngan aku *hee .

11.02.2011 --> jd tytle tak smpai one month pon. act. clash ngan die sbb kesian kt die. tak hbs2 members die ngumpat psl aku, ckp aku bajet and all. mmg ade one week tu aku stress gila sbb dorg ckp aku bajet. i'm like watta? skati la! its my life.. tlg la faham -___-
byk gila kot pahala aku time tu sbb anda semua mengutuk saya. oh terima kasih ya :)
mst panas tlinge die dga. but aku lg panas doe ==' sbb tu je aku clash ngan die. kalau tak, I wont clash ngan die walaupon die tak reti sgt lyn f1.. sayang kot kak K neyh, but OF COURSE aku lg syg kak wany, derrr :) igt lg study ngan die kt study room sapphire or mane tah. 

so, I decided to be a nice girl and not talk to your batch. smpai lah kak has dtg class and ckp cmni "eh, asal kau dah tak seperamah dulu eh?"
OMG, terkejut gila doh. ^^ aku takkn trime org lain dlm batch tu kecuali K :/

wtv it is.. suka hati kalian lah nk judge be. but mmg sakit hati to hear all those stuffs and fitnah psl aku. tq for all the pahala you guys gave (: 
oh, and it's my blog. I can talk about wtv i want XP

oh SSP

5th January 2011! The date jadi SSPian. ya allah! happy + sedih kot time tuh.. mcm tak caya oh. wtv it is plg best time tu was the talentnight! aku masuk dance, waka waka dance ^^
sumpah best gilaaaa. malas nk cite psl tu.. tgok la the picta :D
i <3 waka waka :)