Tuesday, December 21, 2010

sunway with besties! 19.12.2010

dbest kot pegi sunway ngan korg! amira, humairah and auntie nurul.. hehe ;) kecik lg kot so kena ade adult! haha.. tetibe kuar lgu frm fon "lalalala3, want you to love me.. bla3" lagu rihana! haha, kul 9 bgon.. pegi mandi then ade text from amira.. siap2 bla3, mama hnta g nusaputra.. wee~ lepak2 dlm bilik amira smentara tunggu humairah dtg. then maira pon smpai.. kita pon bertolak naik keta mazda rx8 amira tuu! :D

tick tock tick tock, smpai da sunway pyramid! :) mula2 pegi tgok theaters  dulu.. beli ticket.. time tu kul 12 kot, so sempat lg la nak tgok tron kul 1.30! aku ngan amira blanje movie, maira blanje mknan.. hihi, then pegi jalan2 kt situ jap.. msok kedai jual cd.. kuar lah pulak lagu the time! OMG, ktorg pon ape lagi! dgn muka tatau malu nyanyi lah lagu the time tu same2. HAHA.. pastu jln2 lg.. tga belek2 barang.. tetibe auntie nurul ckp "eh, da 12.20 la!"
kite pon lari cpt2 nk g tgok movie.. pstu stop kejap, tgok2 auntie nurul jaohhh lg from ktorg.. so bile die da smpai kite ckp "kitorg pegi dulu k" die ckp okay.. then kite bertiga lari lah.. humairah lembab so aku ngn amira berdua kejap.. hee, stop kt escelator. org depan aku ney stare kt amira, amira pon stare la balik! haha.. pstu da smpai pon.. time tga bratur nk beli foods, auntie pon smpai.. aku pgg air lalu dpn couple ney.. nak lalu tga2 dorg.. dorg tga pgg tgn time tu, so mmat tu kate kt gf die "lepas la yang" so aku lalu laa.. eww, tatau dosa ka? HAHA, bajet jee :P

tga tgok movie ney! best gila oh cite tron legacy.. tp kureng ke-3D-ian die.. haha, hot gila sam flynn! ^^ hee, best gila time tgok tu.. aku sembang2 je ngan amira.. haha, sembang ape? secret eyyh! hee.. 

da habis tgok movie tu aku ngan amira mencari masalah! haha.. kalo nmpk couple tga pgg tgn and minah tu pkai tudung.. lalu dekat ngn dorg ckp "dosa3" HAHAHA.. baik kan ktorg? ngee :D pastu jln kt asian avenue cari restaurant ape tah.. tapi tak jumpe.. adoyaii, so pegi lah mkn kt TGIF ;)
da hbes mkn amira order lg fried mac and cheese.. tak habis! haha, so tapau laa.. nak buat suprise.. suruh mmat2 keje tgif tu nyanyi bufday thingy dorg kt auntie nurul but cmne tah tak jadi :( lol.. pstu lps mkn balik laa.. dlm keta menggila oh.. nyanyi2 lah.. pstu hujan lebat! HAHA, kesiann.. best gila kot time tu.. 

balik la ruma amira.. lepak2 dlm bilik die, online jap. bla3.. then call mmat ney.. amira ckp ngan die.. mule2 cmni oh "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" "hello" hello2 tak hbes2.. then ckp some STUFF kt die.. haha, pstu my mom dtg ruma die.. so balik la ruma aku.. hee, best gila oh time ney :)

                        us bertiga. hodoh gile aku! haha :D good times~

Thursday, December 16, 2010

lebih lanjut tentang 11.11.2010 :D

tarikh ney! tarikh yg buat aku nangis! pagi2 bratur kt perhimpunan then bace doa nyanyi sume.. pstu dok kt dewan... cikgu buat ape tah, ta igt da.. hee ;))
then cikgu suruh pegi rehat.. kite pon g ah kantin makna sume.. rehat awal sikit time tu, coz kul 10 ade SOMETHING big! whoaaa!!
beberapa minit kemudian ckgu suruh pegi dewan balik.. djh 6 sume brator la, aku dduk depan amira.. Amira, my best friend, syg kao! sbelah aku lak hogan! hogan ney special friend aku, since djh 1 same klas, tak pena berpisah la katakan, haha :D
actually ktorg bratur ney sbb nak dpt result upsr laa.. emm, cuak kot time tuh! nasib baik bwk phone! hee, bole la dga lagu nk hilangkan stress.. dga lah lagu misery! sbb we were in misery time tuh.. sesuai sgt la dga lagu maroon 5 tu.. mmg scary kot.. aku cakar2 beg hogan sbb kecuakan tuh.. first time cuak cmtu.. time exam upsr tu tak rase ape sgt, mcm "oh upsr? really? em kk" haha :)
time dpt result cuak mcm ape jeh.. GB dtg, Cikgu2 dtg dr bilik meyuarat ke dewan.. pibg nye YDP dtg la.. GB menagis oh time tuh, 1st time nmpk beliau nangis.. GB bg ucapan then YDP PIBG bg ucapan lak.. tah dorg ckp ape, ta igt.. hehe 
pastu!  cikgu start la panggil2 name.. budak2 class 6 titanium, name dorg sebut dulu.. sebut punye sebut.. nasib baik ckgu tak ikot nombo giliran.. fuhh, then cikgu pnggil ah name dzul qarnian.. aku tunggu je nama aku, cikgu tak sebut2 pon.. then name aku dipanggil swaktu tga berkhayal ape tah.. haha, bgon2 tros pegi peluk cikgu mazzaini (gru klas) then baru naik atas pentas nk trime slip.. nangis trok kot..TAPI, nangis lg terok sbb amira tak dpt 5a.. seious aku ckp, aku nagis lg byk sbb amira tak dpt 5a then aku dpt 5a *ayat keling, haha* 
time atas pentas tuh nagis seterok yg mungkin.. sedih + happy = seppy! lol :D habis cikgu pnggl name aku no more 6 tit girl's name was annouced :( aku pompuan last dlm kelas yg disebut.. sbb tu la cuak, buat suspen jee. hee, after that ktorg tangkap gmba atas pentas ramai2

inilah muka2 kami! hehh, happy weyh! alhamdulillah, tak kan lupe time ney! ;)
pstu pegi kt mak sedara, call my nenek.. call my cousin yg dok kt kedah tnye die dpt brape.. pstu my mak sdare ny bg hadiah.. wee ;D
pstu g kat mak humairah call my mom.. aku tak bg mak aku dtg awal2. if dpt 5a bru bole dtg kalo tak dpt tak yah dtg.. hehe.. then aku ngn maira g dewan jumpe mak hogan.. sembang2 bla3.. 
then kuar cite sedih! :(
"weh, mane amira ngn mak die?".. maira jwb "haaa, tu kt depan tu".. swktu dlm perjalanan nk g kt mak amira tuh nmpk die peluk zarul :( 
now let me tell the truth! aku bgg gle ngan zarul time tuh! mmg la tak kwn ngn die tapi cam eeerr.. aku jealous siot time tuh.. amira lgsg tak ckp pape kt aku after dpt result.. tp aku tak kesah coz die tga nangis trok time tuh.. then tnye maira aku mcm emm jealous ah sbb auntie nurul lgsg tak ckap pape kt aku, die peluk zarul! errr, i thought i was her bubu.. sedih weyh! auntie nurul tu mcm mak aku sndri tp die mcm lebihkan zarul ='( sedih kot time ney, coz auntie tak peluk aku pon.. i know la aku mcm gedik but korg tak phm prasaan aku cmne!
then pegi ah kt amira, zarul bla ar sbb die tau aku tak suke die.. aku ngn amira snyp jee.. so aku sembang la ngn melissa.. hmm, amira balik tros after tuh.. :(
then g balik kt mak humairah.. when my mom dtg i was like 'wee~ anak reza dua2 dpt 5a!' HAHAHA :DD
pstu ajak mama ngn mak maira g kantin.. mama sembang2 ah ngan mak hogan kt kantin.. aku lepak ngn maira, addila and budak laki jap.. tgok muka izzat nangis terok oh.. die je laki dlm klas yg tak dpt 5a.. tp okay la tu dpt 3a 2b kan? ;) itu plg terok la dlm klas kite.. sembang jap ngn dak laki sume, sume happy.. beli air milo ngn maira.. then laki pon nk join the club.. dorg pon beli lah air ramai2, hee..
then aku balik la ngn mak aku tros g shah alam.. sbb papa keje kt sane kan so nak celebrate lah.. haha, celebrate kt mcd je pon.. dpn F&N kan ade mcD so lunch kt situ.. then hnta papa balik office.. my mom and i balik ruma mndi2 jap then g ikea.. tgok bed set.. wktu nk smpai ikea tu aku cite kt mama psl auntie nurul peluk zarul ape sume.. menangis weyh cite coz aku tak tahan dah simpan dlm haty! emm, jln2 kt ikea then g tesco beli cake baskin robbin jap, pstu balik ruma.. mlm tu g ioi puchong jeh.. mkn TGIF.. tade mood oh mkn! ptotnye aku happy gile! tp sikit2 terigt psl ape auntie nurul buat kt zarul.. adoii, order makanan slalunye habis ney tak.. milkshake pon slame ney TAK pernah tak habis, tp time tu tak habis.. nmpk sgt tade mood kan? :(
pstu balik la ruma online jap.. pstu tido :D

itu lah yg terjadi pada 11.11.2010 
sekian, terima kasih! ;)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

oh interview!

pena nmpak ta skola ny? ta pena sudah! haha, hmm.. my dream school.. SBP kat cyberjaya.. hehe, actually cyberjaya tu dkt gila ngn my house.. asrama plg dekat. hee ^__^
i love this school.. hmm, igt lagi.. 8 july 2010 dpt surat from ckgu, surat tu tulis kamu dilantik utk pegi lawatan smbil belajar ke skola seri puteri, cyberjaya! :) time tuh, gila happy! haha, pegi skola ny on the 14th july kot.. hee, dpt tgok skola dia.. best best.. anyway, back to the point..
ESOK! ada interview kt skola seri puteri.. utk msok SSP next year.. alhamdulillah, sye terpilih! ;)
mmg nervous gila.. esok is 29 november oh! kena p skola ny before kul 8.30.. hoho, mmg nervous.. tatau ape yg akan ditanya.. hrp2 dpt jwb ngn tenang and jwpn suma bgus2.. ermm.. wish me luck! i really wanna go to this school.. my dream school since djh 4 kot.. 

gmbar yg dpt 5a hrtu!

49 students! hehe
yg kt bwah ny pulakkk... yeah, this is me.. ya allah, hodoh nye muka! haha, tga nangis trok2 time tuh. hee, alhamdulillah =)

Monday, November 22, 2010

graduation day!

best gila oh, graduation day sktpp! mcm da msok U oh.. haha
ni 1st time skola buat graduation day for murid2 tahun 6 since 2004
we're really lucky to be the first one.. it was fun, awesome! graduation day buat hari khamis, 2nd last day of school :(
hari khamis lah.. lepas naik pentas sume cikgu bg mkn tengah hari.. hee, sedap weyh! haha :D
makn lembu korban tuh.. cikgu yg hidangkan the food.. special sikit kan. hee
seriously i miss SKTPP lah.. my beloved skola rendah <3

this pic rocks! yeah! lompat lompat! it was awesome! \m/

reslut oh reslut!

i got my result weyhh!!!
haha, cuak gile before tunggu result tu, dduk kt dewan then menjerit2 ngn amira.. peluk2 anis.. cakar2 beg hogan! haha :D
mmg nervous gila weyh! first time experience la katekan ;)
lps tu cikgu2 dtg, GB dtg. wow, smakin cuak!

cikgu bg tau name2 yg dpt 5As.. start from dzul qarnain :)
die org pertama diumumkan dpt 5a, then dayang.. and bla3.. ade 49 yg dpt 5a
my class 45 students, but yg dpt 29 je ='( kesian kan?
huhu, then my name dipanggil.. i was the last gril cikgu panggil name..
happy and sad jgk lah time tuh! hmm ;)
happy? cause i got 5As, alhamdulillah :D
sad? because my BFF didnt get 5As.. tade rezeki kot.. tape la pmr ade lagi ;))
5 org got 4a 1b in my class.. and sorg dpt 3a 2b.. okay la tu kan? hee

nak masuk asrama nyh, macam mane?? hoho, kena berdikari meh after this.. ta bole malas malas da! XD

Sunday, November 7, 2010

result oh result!

upsr this year.. finished the exam a few month ago, hehh.

dear result upsr! u're making me scared! whooaaa. haha!
11.11.10, dpat result. woo, lagi 4 hari kot. cuak gile nyh! 
insyaallah dpt la my terget. doa2kan k? thanks..

harap2 45 org in 6 titanium dpt 5A. aminn~ :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


haa, this is my class.. the last class of skola rendah. lol.. ade lagi member nyh, tapi dorg ta dtg time tuh :( 
2010, best year laa, tak kan lupekan class nyh.. best sgt sgt.. cikgu rmai ta suke ktorg sbb ktorg bising lah degil lah, kurang ajar laa. but kite lalui itu bersama sama kan korg? sabar smpai akhir tahun.. hee :D
walaupon kite bising or wtv, kami klas harapan *cehh, haha.. aku suka prangai kita yg nakal nyh. HAHA, suka all the friends. sume cool je. :D aku suka 6 titanium 2010! syg klas nyh, aku akan rindu korg.. sape yg ade fb tuh, slalu online tau.. aku ta pasti msok skola mane tunggu result dulu ;)

harap harap semua murid 6 titanium dpt 5A.. aminn~

3A, AA and LM

sayang korang! :)

  • 3A tuh A.A.Aqhar.. die baik oh, slalu dga masalah aku dgn kawan aku.. die kembar aku! LOL :D act. bukan kemba laa.. tapi kitorg same same was born on 24 february.. tapi die awal 3 jam 18 minit dr aku.. ktorg mmg rapat since this year.. sbb this year lah die start skola kt sini ;)
  • AA pulak kawan baik aku, amira adleena.. syg sgt kt die, ktorg kawan since 2006.. mmg bff aku laa.. iyiyi, weh aku harap kita sua da tak salah pilih kawan da k? :)
  • LM pulak! its me laa, Liyana Musfirah! HAHA :D

harap kite sume dpt 5A, thanks sbb slalu dga masalah aku and tolong aku aqhar and amira :) iyiyi as a friend..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Never forget Them ;)

" Life has lots of test and exams..
but never forget the ones who loves you and always be there for you! :) "

People come and go in our lives, some stay forever and some stay for 2 minutes.
Dear friends, no matter what happens.. you guys will always be my friends =)
Today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow but never forget today when tomorrow comes. hehe
Choose your friends carefully, never judge a person by his/her outside.. Always search for what's inside.

A Friend Who Stays With You Until Today, Is A Friend Who Will Stay With You Forever :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

PARAMORE live in KL !! woohoo :DD

Paramore Live in KL, Malaysia 19 Oct

Wed, 22/09/10 - 16:02PM | Filed in blog by MisDeeds | Views: 45514 | Comments: 238

Paramore_std Yes, you read it right. We're the first to confirm that Paramore is going to play a concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October! Most of you Junkies would know that we've been crushing on Paramore for a long time now and we know you guys have been there with us too. Are you excited as we are??? 
The deets:
Venue: National Stadium, Bukit Jalil
Date: 19 October, 8pm
Tickets: RM358 (Rock Zone Free Standing), RM268, RM168, RM98 (free seating).
**10% off for early bird ticket purchases between Sept 1 - Sept 15**
Tickets go on-sale on 1 Sept 2010 online at http://www.rockthisjoint.com.my/http://www.airasiaredtix.com/, ticketpro.com.my and via Rock Corner and TicketPro outlets. 
For those of you who think the ticket prices are a little steep here are some promos you can take advantage of:
1) Tune Talk Paramore perks
  • Free 20% airtime rebate of ticket value for ALL Tune Talk customers. Redeemable at the venue. 
  • Over 1000 complimentary tickets for the rock zone will be up for grabs via various contests!
  • Meet & Greet passes
  • Autographed guitars to giveaway

no tittle.. ? :D

I'm a girl.12.malaysia.
I wish I could get many followers in my new blog (:
I love listening to music and do what ever that makes me happy
Wish I could travel around the world
Yeah.. hope to be a traveller journalist when I grow up
OK, I don't know what to say now